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Archived News:

January 2018 - TBA Phase 2 report <read here>.

January 2018 - The proposed Master Plan for Hamilton Township and local units within Gratiot County is available for review at Go Grow Gratiot.  The review period will end March 16, 2018.

October 2017 - Invenergy has started a project to include more Wind Turbines in Gratiot County.  They will be seeking property access from property owners in the coming weeks/months.  We currently have 5 wind turbines from the original project in Hamilton Township.

October 2017 - TBA Phase 2 onsite: geographical survey Oct 17 and 18, sampling Oct 30.  Analysis report to follow.


August 2017 - TBA Phase 1 report finalized <read here>.  Planning under way by Tetra Tech for TBA Phase 2.

June 2017 - Tetra Tech's contractor team visited the Hamilton Township site to perform Phase 1 ESA of the TBA.


May 2017 - EPA has approved Hamilton Township's application for TBA funding.  Tetra Tech in Chicago, IL has been selected by the EPA to conduct the Hamilton Township dump site TBA to be scheduled this summer at a yet to be determined date.

Tetra Tech contacts: Carol Nissen and Dave Franc

March 2017 - The attention of the Hamilton Township owned dump Site closed in 1974 has now been brought to the forefront at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).  Hamilton Township has a responsibility to address this Site and ensure that any environmental conditions discovered during an assessment of the Site, if any, are fully considered and appropriately addressed.  Ignoring the Site is no longer in Hamilton Township's best interests.  If contamination does exist and not dealt with appropriately, Hamilton Township will find itself in a much more serious situation with the EPA and DEQ.  A Resolution will need to be passed at the next Regular Monthly Meeting on April 14th, 2017 to grant permission for the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority of the County of Gratiot (BRACG) to apply for targeted brownfield assessment (TBA) work to be completed (Phase 1 ESA and Phase II ESA) by the EPA on the Hamilton Township owned Site.  As Hamilton Township is the owner of the Site, BRACG must complete the application process to receive funding from the EPA.  Hamilton Township is seeking assistance in the form of a TBA to determine whether there are any environmental impacts on the Site and, if applicable, the areas, nature and concentrations of such contamination. 

U.S. EPA links:

EPA Brownfields Program

EPA contact: Brad Stimple

Brownfield Redevelopment Authority of the County of Gratiot (BRACG) links:

Brownfield Sites for Redevelopment

BRACG contacts: Jim Wheeler and Donald Schurr

March 2017 - The Greater Gratiot Development, Inc. organization and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are providing guidance to Hamilton Township on due care obligations of the dump site property abandoned in 1974 owned by Hamilton Township.  

Michigan DEQ links:

Due Care Obligations 

Baseline Environmental Assessments

BEAs and How To Meet Due Care Obligations  

Michigan DEQ contacts: Janet Michaluk and Barbara Cowles

Nov 2016 - The Hamilton Township Board of Trustees is considering the sale of the abandoned dump site owned by the Township off Bailey Road south of Pierce Road and north of Buchanan Road.  This is a 40-acre parcel of wooded land.  Bailey Road between Pierce Road and Buchanan Road was a certified public road up until 1966 after which it was no longer a certified public road, but continues to have right of way access.  A petition to abandon the right of way in 1976 was never officially approved nor recorded as abandoned by the Road Commission, so the road right of way is still in effect today on Bailey Road with the standard 66 foot road easement, each side has 33 foot easement from the center of the road. 

Nov 2016 - The Hamilton Township Board of Trustees is considering what to do with the aging Township Hall that needs to be addressed at some point.  Possibly putting up for sale the Hamilton Township owned 40-acre site to pay for new facilities i.e. driveway, larger parking lot, building, etc.

Nov 2016 - We are currently looking for qualified Township Residents interested in becoming deputies to fill in for the Clerk and Treasurer in their absence.  Please e-mail if interested in more details.

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